General information about company

Name of The CompanyKalyan Capitals Limited(formerly known as Akashdeep Metal Industries limited)
BSE Scrip Code538778
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2024
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2025
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2024
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2024
Level of rounding to be used in disclosing related party transactionsLakhs
Whether the company has any related party?Yes
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/publicNA
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank’s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure.NA
(III) Whether the company is a ‘high value debt listed entity’ according to regulation 15 (1A)?No
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication?
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying.
Whether the updated Related Party Transactions (RPT) Policy (in compliance with Reg. 23 of SEBI LODR) has been uploaded on the website of the Company?Yes
Latest Date on which RPT policy is updated07-08-2023
Indicate Company website link for updated RPT policy of the Company

Related party transactions

Additional disclosure of related party transactions - applicable only in case the related party transaction relates to loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments made or given by the listed entity/subsidiary. These details need to be disclosed only once, during the reporting period when such transaction was undertaken.
Sr No.Details of the party (listed entity /subsidiary) entering into the transactionDetails of the counterpartyType of related party transactionDetails of other related party transactionValue of the related party transaction as approved by the audit committeeRemarks on approval by audit committeeValue of transaction during the reporting periodIn case monies are due to either party as a result of the transactionIn case any financial indebtedness is incurred to make or give loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsDetails of the loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsNotes
NamePANNamePANRelationship of the counterparty with the listed entity or its subsidiaryOpening balanceClosing balanceNature of indebtedness (loan/ issuance of debt/ any other etc.)Details of other indebtednessCostTenureNature (loan/ advance/ intercorporate deposit/ investment )Interest Rate (%)TenureSecured/ unsecuredPurpose for which the funds will be utilised by the ultimate recipient of funds (endusage)
1Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BKalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QHolding CompanyLoan5000None1500153.58Loan0.105Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(1)
2Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BModtech Infraventure Private LimitedAAICM0960ARelative of Director/KMPLoanNone5.500Loan0.08Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(2)
3Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSHARE INDIA SECURITIES LTD.AAACF6462EPublic Company in which Director or Manager is a Director and holds along with his relative more than 2 % 0f its paidup capitalLoanNone15000Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(3)
4Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSHARE INDIA FINCAP P.LTD.AAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoanNone5000Loan0.08Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(4)
5Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BKalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QHolding CompanyAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None3.50153.58Loan0.105Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(5)
6Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BModtech Infraventure Private LimitedAAICM0960ARelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RecoveredNone46.5179.76144.72Loan0.08Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(6)
7Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSHARE INDIA SECURITIES LTD.AAACF6462EPublic Company in which Director or Manager is a Director and holds along with his relative more than 2 % 0f its paidup capitalAny other transactionLoan RecoveredNone175304.58296.34Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(7)
8Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSHARE INDIA FINCAP P.LTD.AAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan RecoveredNone0050.27Loan0.08Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(8)
9Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BKalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QHolding CompanyInterest receivedNone7.8600Textual Information(9)
10Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BModtech Infraventure Private LimitedAAICM0960ARelative of Director/KMPInterest receivedNone6.6300Textual Information(10)
11Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSHARE INDIA SECURITIES LTD.AAACF6462EPublic Company in which Director or Manager is a Director and holds along with his relative more than 2 % 0f its paidup capitalInterest receivedNone19.1500Textual Information(11)
12Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSHARE INDIA FINCAP P.LTD.AAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest receivedNone0.300Textual Information(12)
13Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BROHIN GUPTAALMPG1616RRelative of Director/KMPLoanNone18.500Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(13)
14Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BAGAM GUPTABDLPG3156NRelative of Director/KMPLoanNone2200Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(14)
15Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BPARVEEN GUTPAACAPG7884NRelative of Director/KMPLoanNone22.500Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(15)
16Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BRAJESH GUPTAAAGPG1933NDirector of the CompanyLoanNone33.500Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(16)
17Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSONAM GUPTAAGNPV7533NRelative of Director/KMPLoanNone1400Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(17)
18Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSUMAN GUPTAAAHPG4506GRelative of Director/KMPLoanNone1400Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(18)
19Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BROHIN GUPTAALMPG1616RRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone4.5105.94125.26Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(19)
20Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BPARVEEN GUTPAACAPG7884NRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone104.5209.68135.38Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(20)
21Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BRAJESH GUPTAAAGPG1933NDirector of the CompanyAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone22.5111.53127.61Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(21)
22Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSAROJ GUPTAACAPG4673MRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone829.6722.75Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(22)
23Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BREKHA GUPTAAAHPG4506GRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone254.2854.75Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(23)
24Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSONAM GUPTAAGNPV7533NRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone0126.9146.88Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(24)
25Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BAASTHA GUPTAAZUPA3584ERelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone019.6520.55Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(25)
26Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BTRIPTI GUPTAAIXPG2163KRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone032.7934.29Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(26)
27Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BPRACHI GUPTACBPPS3976PDirector of the CompanyAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone0108.83113.8Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(27)
28Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BRACHIT GUPTAAMRPG7143BRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone018.5219.36Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(28)
29Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSUMAN GUPTAAAHPG4506GRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone0230.33255.32Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(29)
30Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BAGAM GUPTABDLPG3156NRelative of Director/KMPAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone094.45121.56Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(30)
31Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BROHIN GUPTAALMPG1616RRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone5.9100Textual Information(31)
32Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BAGAM GUPTABDLPG3156NRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone5.6700Textual Information(32)
33Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BPARVEEN GUTPAACAPG7884NRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone8.5500Textual Information(33)
34Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BRAJESH GUPTAAAGPG1933NDirector of the CompanyInterest paidNone5.6500Textual Information(34)
35Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSAROJ GUPTAACAPG4673MRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone1.200Textual Information(35)
36Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSONAM GUPTAAGNPV7533NRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone6.6500Textual Information(36)
37Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BAASTHA GUPTAAZUPA3584ERelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone100Textual Information(37)
38Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BTRIPTI GUPTAAIXPG2163KRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone1.6600Textual Information(38)
39Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BPRACHI GUPTACBPPS3976PDirector of the CompanyInterest paidNone5.5200Textual Information(39)
40Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BREKHA GUPTAAAOPG3268LRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone2.7400Textual Information(40)
41Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BRACHIT GUPTAAMRPG7143BRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone0.9400Textual Information(41)
42Anmol Financial Services LimitedAAACA6640BSUMAN GUPTAAAHPG4506GRelative of Director/KMPInterest paidNone12.2200Textual Information(42)
43Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAgro Trade SolutionsABQFA6523MFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerLoan2500None25000Loan0.09Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(43)
44Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QALGOWIRE TRADING TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDAAKCA5485ERelative of Director/KMPLoan1000None154.3400Loan0.09Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(44)
45Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAniaryan Farms and Resports Private LimitedAARCA5039KPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan5000None8.500Loan0.095Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(45)
46Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAnisha Dazzle Films Private LimitedAANCA5663KPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan5000None000Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(46)
47Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAnisha Fincap LLPABFFA8657BDirector Wife is the Partner Loan5000None1323.300Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(47)
48Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QPuja MalikAHQPM5425JDirector Wife is the Partner Loan5000None200Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(48)
49Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRunit Exim Private LimitedAADCR2362JDirector is the ShareholderLoan5000None628.600Loan0.09Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(49)
50Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QShare India Fincap Private LimitedAAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoanNone2137.5400Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(50)
51Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSkyveil Trade Solutions LLPADGFS0224BFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerLoan1000None50000Loan0.0975Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(51)
52Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSunil Kumar MalikAANPM1288PDirectorLoan5000None1797.1500Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(52)
53Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QVista Furnishings LimitedAAFCV3284MPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan5000None98.0700Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(53)
54Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAgro Trade SolutionsABQFA6523MFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerAny other transactionLoan Recovered2500None250.2400Loan0.09Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(54)
55Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QALGOWIRE TRADING TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDAAKCA5485EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Recovered1000None154.3401.94Loan0.095Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(55)
56Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAniaryan Farms and Resports Private LimitedAARCA5039KPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None0167.96185.79Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(56)
57Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAnisha Dazzle Films Private LimitedAANCA5663KPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None024.3325.67Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(57)
58Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAnisha Fincap LLPABFFA8657BFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None1944.49603.130Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(58)
59Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QPuja MalikAHQPM5425JDirector spouseAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None077.7383.33Loan0.09Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(59)
60Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRunit Exim Private LimitedAADCR2362JPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None866.551668.241491.26Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(60)
61Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QShare India Fincap Private LimitedAAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan RecoveredNone1937.980236.3Loan0.0975Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(61)
62Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSkyveil Trade Solutions LLPADGFS0224BFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerAny other transactionLoan Recovered1000None507.2100Loan0.13Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(62)
63Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSunil Kumar Malik AANPM1288PDirectorAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None1331.6762.781288.04Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(63)
64Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QVista Furnishings LimitedAAFCV3284MPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Recovered5000None98.0702.84Loan0.13Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(64)
65Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAgro Trade SolutionsABQFA6523MFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerInterest receivedNone0.2700Textual Information(65)
66Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QALGOWIRE TRADING TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDAAKCA5485EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest receivedNone1.9400Textual Information(66)
67Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAniaryan Farms and Resports Private LimitedAARCA5039KPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest receivedNone10.3700Textual Information(67)
68Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAnisha Dazzle Films Private LimitedAANCA5663KPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest receivedNone1.4800Textual Information(68)
69Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QAnisha Fincap LLPABFFA8657BFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerInterest receivedNone20.0700Textual Information(69)
70Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QPuja MalikAHQPM5425JDirector spouseInterest receivedNone3.5900Textual Information(70)
71Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRunit Exim Private LimitedAADCR2362JPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest receivedNone63.900Textual Information(71)
72Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QShare India Fincap Private LimitedAAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest receivedNone36.3100Textual Information(72)
73Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSkyveil Trade Solutions LLPADGFS0224BFIRM/LLP in which Director, Manager or his relative is partnerInterest receivedNone8.0100Textual Information(73)
74Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSunil Kumar Malik AANPM1288PDirectorInterest receivedNone59.3400Textual Information(74)
75Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QVista Furnishings LimitedAAFCV3284MPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest receivedNone0.6900Textual Information(75)
76Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QALGOWIRE TRADING TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDAAKCA5485EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan1000None1605.6600Loan0.095Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(76)
77Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRace Eco Chain LimitedAAMCM8664PPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan5000None88300Loan0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(77)
78Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRace Envision Private LimitedAAMCM8664PPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan5000None260.500Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(78)
79Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSeven Star Infratech Private LimitedAAUCS8086RPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoanNone17800Loan0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(79)
80Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301Qshare india commodity brokers p ltdAADCR0497EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan500None530.2700Loan0.085Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(80)
81Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QShare India Fincap Private LimitedAAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoanNone1393.6500Loan0.0975Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(81)
82Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSunstar Share Brokers Private LimitedAAJCS6988BPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan5000None311.9900Loan0.09Repayable on demandUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(82)
83Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QVista Furnishing LimitedAAFCV3284MPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorLoan5000None133.9300Textual Information(83)
84Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QALGOWIRE TRADING TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDAAKCA5485EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Repaid1000None1405.660206.13Textual Information(84)
85Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRace Eco Chain LimitedAAMCM8664PPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Repaid5000None1539.5988.13357.36Textual Information(85)
86Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRace Envision Private LimitedAAMCM8664PPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Repaid5000None40.5101.03329.96Textual Information(86)
87Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSeven Star Infratech Private LimitedAAUCS8086RPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone177.608.98Textual Information(87)
88Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301Qshare india commodity brokers p ltdAADCR0497EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Repaid500None280.090257.78Textual Information(88)
89Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QShare India Fincap Private LimitedAAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan RepaidNone420.070997.64Textual Information(89)
90Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSunstar Share Brokers Private LimitedAAJCS6988BPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Repaid5000None2500Textual Information(90)
91Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QVista Furnishing LimitedAAFCV3284MPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorAny other transactionLoan Repaid5000None133.9300.11Textual Information(91)
92Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QALGOWIRE TRADING TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDAAKCA5485EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone6.8100Textual Information(92)
93Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRace Eco Chain LimitedAAMCM8664PPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone27.5200Textual Information(93)
94Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QRace Envision Private LimitedAAMCM8664PPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone9.9200Textual Information(94)
95Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSeven Star Infratech Private LimitedAAUCS8086RPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone8.5800Textual Information(95)
96Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301Qshare india commodity brokers p ltdAADCR0497EPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone8.4400Textual Information(96)
97Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QShare India Fincap Private LimitedAAACW1156GPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone24.0600Textual Information(97)
98Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QSunstar Share Brokers Private LimitedAAJCS6988BPrivate Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone3.7800Textual Information(98)
99Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QVista Furnishing LimitedAAFCV3284MPublic Company in which Director, Manager or his relative is a Member or DirectorInterest paidNone0.1200Textual Information(99)
100Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QDeepak GargBNLPG4443EKMPRemunerationNone2.500Textual Information(100)
101Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QIsha AgarwalAJSPA0293NKMPRemunerationNone3.600Textual Information(101)
102Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QPardeep KumarDCFPK8892EKMPRemunerationNone3.900Textual Information(102)
103Kalyan Capitals LimitedAABCA1301QKushal GuptaATWPG9006BKMPRemunerationNone300Textual Information(103)
Total value of transaction during the reporting period24555.68